
Data retrieved from Cision

Hurtigruten Group Q1 2023 Earnings Presentation

Last changed: Thursday, 8 June 2023 at 08:42

Enclosed is the Q1 2023 Earnings Presentation for today's conference call at 11:30 CET.

To join the conference call please use the link and phone number provided below:

Microsoft Teams meeting

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Meeting ID: 393 434 095 315

Passcode: mcsKUy

Or call in (audio only)

+47 23 50 04 24,,950479111# Norway, Oslo

+44 20 7660 6791,,950479111# United Kingdom, London

Phone Conference ID: 950 479 111#

For further information, please contact: Investor Relations team: InvestorRelations@hurtigruten.com


Q1 2023 Earnings presentation Hurtigruten Group

For further information, please contact:

Investor Relations team: InvestorRelations@hurtigruten.com